

Nathaniel H. Stephens Elementary

SES Home


Check Class Dojo for upcoming events happening here at Stephen's Elementary 


Mission Statement

Our MISSION is to foster a learning environment that integrates a culture of respect, high standards, and innovation.

Vision Statement

Our VISION is to provide rigorous, innovative, and engaging learning experiences designed to cultivate life.

Good evening SES Parents,

I would like to bring to your attention two events that are happening at SES. The first event is the Valentine’s Day Dance that will take place on February 7th during the school day. The cost for the dance is $10.00. This will include admission to the dance, refreshments, and a photo. The $10.00 fee is due by this upcoming Friday. The theme for the dance is dancing through the decades and we encourage our students to dress from the 50s to the early 2000s.

As we continue to promote positive behavior at SES, we will not allow any student that is in ISS or suspended out of school on the day of the dance to attend. Refunds will not be given to students that have paid that end up in ISS or suspended out of school on the day of the dance.

The second event is the Tech Fair. This event will not be held until May 12th. Any student that would like to participate in the Tech Fair must pay the entry fee of $5.00 by this upcoming Friday. Additional details for the tech fair was provided through a letter that was sent home last Thursday.

Please see the attached flyer for the school dance and Teach Fair parent letter.

We greatly appreciate your continued support for our students and teachers at SES!

Have a great evening!

Lekishia Richardson, SES Principal



Staff Only

Dear SES Families,

One of our goals at N.H. Stephens Elementary is to provide our families with resources and strategies that they can use to assist their children in becoming successful at school. Each month, you will receive a digital newsletter that will include articles and engagement activities that are easy to implement. Please click on the links provided below to access the January newsletter in English and Spanish.

It is my hope that you find these newsletters helpful for you and your family!



Lekishia Richardson, SES Principal


English Version

Spanish Version


Facebook Page: N.H Stephens Elementary School